A Healthy You Wellness & Coaching


Unleashing Your True Self


Unleashing Your True Self

There are many ways to unleash yourself, however, through self-submission, it begins with the Lord.

In the Book of Proverbs 1:7 (The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

The Fear of God means giving God your undivided attention, this is you setting time apart for God in all your doings.

Understanding what Jesus Christ did on the cross of Calvary for you, getting to know him for yourself. There you will come into agreement with the knowledge of your true self and your purpose here on earth.

When you’re aligned with the word of God this in the commencement of self merges as you look around and understand the beauty in what God has created around and within you on a journey of self-discovery and true healing towards a healthier, happier, fulfilling life all are part of the true self.

Inner Balance

Many determine inner balance differently in today’s world, yet inner balance I believe is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives inner balance.

Whatever is happening around you, when you are living a life of balance there is fairness and justice in all your dealings. Inner balance is one with self in harmony with God which is then extended to your surroundings.

Inner Balance provided by the Holy Spirit adds value, and gifts of talents, sustains growth and maturity, and gives security, transparency, and tranquility.

There is much scriptural proof in the bible that the Holy Spirit is the promoter of inner balance, below are a few pointers.

Proverbs 16:11 (The Lord demands accurate scales and balance; he sets the standards for fairness- New Living Translation)

John 15: 26 (But I will send you the advocate the spirit of truth. He will come to you from the father and will testify all about me. – New Living Translation)

Ephesians 3:16 (I Pray that from his glorious, unlimited resource he will empower you with inner strength through his spirit. – New Living Translation)

True inner balance is from God, the creator of the universe, and maker of all things.

Ways of Remaining True To Self:

There are many distractions today to living an authentic lifestyle, when one decides to live a life pleasing unto God. This is when the True Self is and

Healthy Tips:

  • Have a relationship with God.
  • Connect on a deeper level with the Holy Spirit.
  • Be intentional about your words and actions.
  • Connect with nature the beauty of God’s creation.
  • Keep a journal and log all information about all things.
  • Be at peace with yourself.
  • Love Yourself as Christ loves the church and extends that love to others for it is written.
  • Submit to the will of God for your life.
  • Be in a space of reflection always.
  • Live with gratitude like it would be the first experience of a surprise.

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