A Healthy You Wellness & Coaching


Overcoming Limiting Belief

What is Limiting Self-Belief?

Limiting self-beliefs are negative thoughts or perceptions that can prevent someone from achieving their goals or doing something they are capable of. This can stem from:

1. Past experiences such as negative events can undermine confidence and foster self-doubt. Experiencing repeated failures, particularly during early life, can have a lasting effect.

2. Social Media Pressure
– Believe it or not, social media
contributes tremendously to negative self-beliefs. There may be pressure to live up to specific standards if one is constantly exposed to the accomplishments, appearances, and lives of others. The desire for likes, shares, and positive comments can lead to the dependency of one’s self-worth on approval from others. Negative self-beliefs and insecurities may be reinforced when this validation is absent or inconsistent.

Common phrases and examples that are not short from:

  • I can’t do this.
  • I am not worthy of love.
  • I am not ready yet.
  • I don’t have enough time, money, or resources.
  • I am not good at this or that.

I am an introvert and cannot go for a promotion because I hate to network.

The Implications of Limiting Self-Belief

Self-limiting beliefs can keep you stuck in a negative cycle of doubt and fear and can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors.

We have all been there at a point or place when we say, “I can’t get this done,” or “I am not good at something or the other.”

I have been there multiple times until I got it done and realized that it was not as scary as I thought it would have been. Yes! I get it; our nerves get jittery. And guess what? Our nerves are supposed to perform their duties like that. Yet, the courage within us is far beyond those limiting beliefs of “why, what if, and how would.”

There is a root cause to those fear attachments. I call it fear attachments as patterns are being performed and signals our body sends that give us insight into the core of those fearful-avoidant attachment styles. This attachment style is typified by a deep-seated fear of rejection and closeness, which is usually a result of early relational experiences.

Navigating your emotions when it seems so hard to do can be challenging. One needs to learn the body and its language to tap deeper within oneself to resolve these fear attachments. In most cases, self-limiting beliefs can keep you stuck in the rut of pleasing people, thinking you are not good enough, allowing you to believe and think that every problem is yours, and applying too much pressure on yourself, which can lead to chronic illness.

There are tools to overcome self-limiting beliefs which can lead to healing into a better version of self-feeling and becoming more confident and abundant.

Key Tools

  • Find time daily to remind yourself how amazing you are.
  • Always remind yourself you are enough or even “I am too much” just as God has made everything in abundance.
  • I am abundant in Love, Hope, and Peace – I live in the abundance of God.
  • Allow yourself to release all negative beliefs. This does not belong to me.
  • Feel the deepest new surge of energy and possibilities with a new horizon.

Connect with Me!

Feel free to email me or submit your concerns should you have any or need guidance along the way. I am here for you.

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